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老色哥首发 王坤个东说念主简介 - 皮皮娘


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老色哥首发 王坤个东说念主简介

发布日期:2024-11-05 22:32    点击次数:94
老色哥首发老色哥首发 个东说念主简介: 王坤,女,1988年设立,中共党员,博士,副考验,硕导。 教会布景与责任资格: 2011.9-2014.6河北农业大学资源与环境学院泥土学 硕士 2014.9-2018.6中国农业大学资源与环境学院环境科学与工程 博士 2018.8-于今河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院农业资源与 环境 副考验 研讨畛域: 泥土重金属混浊与栽植、泥土混浊生态老色哥首发 主要研讨遵循:(主握神情、发表论文) 主握神情: [1]河北省当然科学基金“蚯蚓对泥土重金属镉混浊的生态符...





2011.9-2014.6 河北农业大学 资源与环境学院 泥土学 硕士

2014.9-2018.6 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 环境科学与工程


2018.8-于今  河北农业大学 资源与环境科学学院 农业资源与

环境 副考验





[1]河北省当然科学基金“蚯蚓对泥土重金属镉混浊的生态符合性机制研讨” (C2019204307), 2019-2021.

[2]河北省教会厅高级学校要点神情“耐烦蚯蚓对握续泥土镉混浊的符合机制研讨” (ZD2020173), 2020-2023.

[3]河北农业大学引进东说念主才科研专项 (YJ201844).

[4]河北省教会厅中央指令方位科技发展资金神情“镉混浊泥土下蚯蚓的繁衍计谋与耐烦机制研讨”(226Z4201G), 2022-2025.


紫色面具 萝莉


[1]Wang Kun, Qiao Yuhui, Li Huafen, Huang Caide. Use of integrated biomarker response for studying the resistance strategy of the earthworm Metaphire californica in Cd-contaminated field soils in Hunan Province, South China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260: 114056.

[2]Wang Kun, Qiao Yuhui, Zhang Huiqi, Yue Shizhong, Li Huafen, Ji Xionghui, Liu Longsheng. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in earthworms from field contaminated soil in a subtropical area of China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 148: 876-883.

[3]Wang Kun, Qiao Yuhui, Li Huafen, Zhang Huiqi, Yue Shizhong, Ji Xionghui, Liu Longsheng. Structural equation model of the relationship between metals in contaminated soil and in earthworm (Metaphire californica) in Hunan Province, subtropical China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 156: 443-451.

[4]Wang Kun, Qiao Yuhui, Zhang Huiqi, Yue Shizhong, Li Huafen, Ji Xionghui. David Crowley. Influence of cadmium-contaminated soil on earthworm communities in a subtropical area of China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2018, 127: 64-73.

[5]Wang Kun, Qiao Yuhui, Zhang Huiqi, Yue Shizhong, Li Huafen, Ji Xionghui, Liu Longsheng. Influence of metal-contamination on distribution in subcellular fractions of the earthworm (Metaphire californica) from Hunan Province, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 73: 127-137.

[6]Yue Yin, Dianwu Wang, Miaomiao Chen, Xiaoquan Mu, Yang Yang, Bo Li, Kun Wang*. Distribution patterns of the earthworm community in relation to soil properties and metals in agro‑ecosystems in Hebei Province, North China. Community Ecology. 2022, 23, 389-399.

[7]Huang Caide, Zhang Xiaoling, Wang Kun, Yue Shizhong, Qiao Yuhui. Evidence for the metal resistance of earthworm Eisenia fetida across generations (F1 and F2) under laboratory metal exposure. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 425, 128006.

[8]Huang Caide, Ge Yan, Shen Zhiqiang, Wang Kun, Yue Shizhong, Qiao Yuhui. Reveal the metal handling and resistance of earthworm Metaphire californica with different exposure history through toxicokinetic modeling. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 289, 117954.

[9] Caide Huang, Zhiqiang Shen,Liang Li, Shizhong Yue,Li Jia, Kun Wang, Wenhao Zhou, YuhuiQiao. Reproductive damage and compensation of wild earthworm Metaphire californica from contaminated fields with long-term heavy metal exposure. Chemosphere. 2023. 311(1), 137027.

[10]Qiao Yuhui, Crowley David, Wang Kun, Zhang Huiqi, Li Huafen. Effects of biochar and arbuscular mycorrhizae on bioavailability of potentially toxic elements in an aged contaminated soil. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 206: 636-643.








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